Helpful Links for Advocates

National Association of Consumer Advocates

Join the Consumer Umbrella Group listserv.

This listserv is the general consumer listserv allowing discussion among Florida legal services attorneys on consumer related topics.


Jim Kowalski, Jr. Receives Award

Jim Kowalski, Jr., President and CEO of Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. receives prestigious NACA Advocate of the Year Award (presented by Lynn Drysdale, Division Chief of JALA's Consumer Advocacy & Litigation Unit).


Jeff Hearne Receives Award

At the 2018 Annual Florida Bar Convention Jeff Hearne, Litigation Director of Legal Services of Greater Miami, received the Florida Bar Consumer Protection Law Committee Lawyer of the Year award.  The award was presented by Senator Rodriguez who was mentored by Mr. Hearne.  Upon receiving his award Mr. Hearne spoke of the consumer problems faced by tenants in Florida and how important tenant issues are as consumer protection and public policy concerns.  He also complimented his colleagues in the Housing Umbrella Group, including important legislative and amicus efforts.


There is a fascinating tool with county level data created by the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN).

Share this with the others at your organization who might find it useful and let me know ways that you use it by emailing me at



What's New

The Florida Justice Institute has republished the Sixth Edition of the Older Floridians Handbook:  Laws and Programs Affecting Older Floridians.

You can find the handbook by visiting the FJI website here.